Ananda Bosman

Ananda Bosman

Semantic Artist & Visionary

Ananda Bosman is a Visionary, Cosmologist, Semantic Artist, International Researcher & as an Award-winning Musician the Founder of the 432Hz popular & electronic music movement during the 1990’s. 

Until September 2019 he was also an active Member of the Board of Directors for the non-profit contemporary Arts & Cultures Magazine New Observations”, NYC/USA, which is dedicated to bringing artists’ voices to the public forum through an innovative guest edited magazine, first time published in 1981.

Ananda Bosman’s latest peer reviewed research of 2018/2019 is currently in the process of being published after his presentation at the University of Québec in Montréal, Canada in October 2018. 

Appearing in international radio broadcasts , TV productions & cinema movies, he is regularly invited as keynote speaker on many international conferencesSince 1990 he has given hundreds of lectures, seminars & workshops all over the world, using state-of-the-art multimedia presentations that rivet the audience. Presenting visionary, scientific, shamanic, spiritual, mythological, & cosmological connections in an exciting and utterly unique way.

11:00 - 13:00
Bridge & Enrich

Ananda Bosman - Morning Session

14:00 - 18:00
Bridge & Enrich

Ananda Bosman - Afternoon Session

18:00 - 19:00
Bridge & Enrich

After Seminar Casual Discussion

The formal seminar ends at 6pm but feel free to stay after for a casual discussion with the speaker.