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My ability to learn is unparalleled because I simply refuse to give up. Even when faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, my unwavering determination drives me to try harder and push beyond my limits.
Ananda Bosman - The Designer World
Ananda Bosman is a Visionary, Cosmologist, Semantic Artist, International Researcher & as an Award-winning Musician the Founder of the 432Hz popular & electronic music movement during the 1990’s. Until September 2019 he was also an active Member of the Board of Directors for the non-profit contemporary Arts & Cultures Magazine “New Observations”, NYC/USA, which is dedicated to bringing artists’ voices to the public forum through an innovative guest edited magazine, first time published in 1981.
Ananda Bosman’s latest peer reviewed research of 2018/2019 is currently in the process of being published after his presentation at the University of Québec in Montréal, Canada in October 2018.
Appearing in international radio broadcasts , TV productions & cinema movies, he is regularly invited as keynote speaker on many international conferences. Since 1990 he has given hundreds of lectures, seminars & workshops all over the world, using state-of-the-art multimedia presentations that rivet the audience. Presenting visionary, scientific, shamanic, spiritual, mythological, & cosmological connections in an exciting and utterly unique way.
Join us on March 23rd and immerse yourself in the endless inspiration that only Ananda can offer. This unforgettable event is not to be missed! Come discover new avenues of creativity and expand your horizons with us.